Bogdan Dit, Ph.D. |
Fall 2019:
Instructor: CS 471 Software Engineering (Undergraduate; Two sections)
Instructor: CS 573 Advanced Software Engineering (Graduate)
Spring 2019:
Instructor: CS-HU 271 Agile Development (Undergraduate)
Instructor: CS 471 Software Engineering (Undergraduate)
Fall 2018:
Instructor: CS 471 Software Engineering (Undergraduate; Two sections)
Spring 2018:
Instructor: CS 471 Software Engineering (Undergraduate)
Fall 2017:
Instructor: CS 471 Software Engineering (Undergraduate; Two sections)
Spring 2017:
Instructor: CS 471 Software Engineering (Undergraduate)
Co-Instructor: CS 481 Senior Design Project (Undergraduate)
Fall 2016:
Instructor: CS 497 Agile Development for Large Open Source Software Systems (Undergraduate)
Co-Instructor: CS 481 Senior Design Project (Undergraduate)
Spring 2016:
Instructor: CS 361 Introduction to the Theory of Computation (Undergraduate)
Fall 2015:
Instructor: CS 597 Software Maintenance and Evolution (Graduate)
Summer 2015:
Instructor: CS 361 Introduction to the Theory of Computation (Undergraduate)
Spring 2015:
Instructor: CS 221 Computer Science II (Undergraduate; Two sections)
Fall 2014:
Instructor: CS 321 Data Structures (Undergraduate)
Winter 2011:
Teaching Assistant: CS 435/535 Software Engineering (taught by Denys Poshyvanyk)
Lab Instructor: CS 141 Computational Problem Solving (taught by Debbie Noonan)
Fall 2010:
Teaching Assistant: CS 723 Advanced Analysis of Algorithms (taught by Weizhen Mao)
Teaching Assistant: CS 635 Advanced Software Engineering (taught by Denys Poshyvanyk)
Winter 2010:
Teaching Assistant: CS 435 Software Engineering (taught by Denys Poshyvanyk)
Fall 2009:
Lab Instructor and Teaching Assistant: CS 141 Introduction to Computer Science using Java (taught by Debbie Noonan)
Winter 2009:
Instructor: CSC 2000 Introduction to C++ Programming Language (Undergraduate, 36 students)
Fall 2008:
Instructor: CSC 2000 Introduction to C++ Programming Language (Undergraduate, 35 students)
Spring/Summer 2008:
Instructor: CSC 2000 Introduction to C++ Programming Language (Undergraduate, 22 students)
Summer 2008:
Tutor: for undergraduate students
Winter 2008, Fall 2007:
Teaching Assistant: CSC 8990 Graduate Seminar
(taught by Farshad Fotouhi)
Winter 2007, Fall 2006:
Teaching Assistant: served as Network Administrator
Last Updated: April 23, 2022